Art League of Henderson County
Event Registration - Art League of Henderson County
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Youth ArtScape 2025-2026 Exhibit Official Registration
9/15/2024 - 2/28/2025

Youth Banner 2025 - 2026

Artwork from the youth of Henderson County will be displayed on banners within Jackson Park of Henderson County. We will hang approximately 30  banners with images from our juried work. The banners will remain in Jackson Park for the 2025-2026 season.  

Youth Artscape is open to Henderson County residents only.  Applicants must be 17 years old or younger, attending grades1-12.  Homeschool students are welcome to apply.
2D and 3D fine art,fine craft and photography will be considered.
The area on the banner that will display the artwork is about 24 x 24.
Artwork not square will be considered. Artwork not square will be cropped at the discretion of the committee.
Artwork must be suitable for public viewing in community spaces.
When choosing your entries consider how it will look from a distance and high on a light pole. Vibrant colors and high contrast work best.

Not all entries will be accepted due to limited space.  Jury members will be selected from the community and an email invitation will be sent.  Parents must sign off on allowing their student's work to be exhibited.

Location: Jackson Park

Artscape Youth Banner - It's that time again.

February Gallery Show Registration- for all members
1/29/2025 - 2/22/2025

Let's make our February show fabulous! Here is how it will work:
  • You MUST register online, no walk in registrations will be accepted.
  • You must be an Art League member in good standing with your membership.
  • You can submit one piece priced at any amount you set. (smaller works may submit more - read detail below)
  • PROOF READ YOUR TITLE, MEDIA, & PRICE we can NOT make changes at drop off. This is how the tag will print.
  • Dimensions not to exceed 50" wide - no length restriction
  • All 2D work must be PROPERLY wired for hanging. No sawtooth backs will be accepted. Wires should not be higher than the frame when hung. PLEASE refer to the exhibits guidelines under the Exhibits/ Call for Artists tab at 
  • Artwork can NOT of been hung previously in the Art Place gallery.
  • The participation fee for this show is $15
  • To encourage more 3D and smaller works, you can bring multiple smaller pieces as long as the retail value total is $300 or less.  For example, if you have jewelry that is priced at $70, you may submit 4 pieces.
  • If you are bringing more than one piece, you will have a chance to enter all the additional pieces after you completely enter all information for the first piece.
  • Artist will earn 70% commission on sales and the Art League will retain 30%.
  • You may complete 2 separate registrations at $15 each. You will need to complete each registration separately.
  • Deadline to register is January 27th, 2025
  • Art drop off will be Tuesday January 28th 11am-1pm- Please be on time. We start hanging immediately the same day.
  • You can have someone drop your work off for you.
  • Pick up of unsold work will be Tuesday February 25th 11am-1pm.  
  • You will also be required to sign up to work a 2.5 hour gallery shift during this time frame. If you can not make your shift, you will need to find a replacement member and notify Robyn of the change. Other "slots" are available on the sign up in lieu of working in the gallery for those who are not physically able to work due to health issues. (Bringing in refreshments at the opening.) 
  • Opening Reception will be Saturday February 1st, 2-4 pm. Art Place will provide water, and all paper goods. If you sign up to bring food, please think grab and go individual things that require minimal touching.
  • Questions? Email Robyn at

Location: Art Place
2021 Asheville Highway
Hendersonville, NC 28792

Online Registration has closed for this event

ArtScape 2025-2026 Application - Second Chance
2/1/2025 - 2/21/2025


Please read all information before applying to ArtScape 2025-26

 ArtScape Hendersonville is an annually changing, outdoor public-arts project that enriches the appeal of Hendersonville. Over forty banners displaying the original artwork of Henderson County artists are hung on Main Street, and the downtown avenues

 ArtScape’s corridor of colorful, waving banners brightens and enlivens Hendersonville’s historic downtown area and creates a unique outdoor art gallery for tourists and locals. The ongoing support of this annual display confirms Hendersonville’s commitment to art, creativity, and culture. They demonstrate tangibly the strong connection between the arts, local businesses, organizations, and individual art lovers.   

ArtScape Hendersonville was founded in 2017 and is a program of the Art League of Henderson County. 


This year's juror will be E. Vincent Martinez and Alex Page of Mirrorball Gallery, Tryon

Application Requirements:

 Artists must be eighteen years old or older and live in Henderson County unless a member of the Art League of Henderson County

  • Only original artwork will be considered—no reproductions or giclées.

  • Artwork may be 2D, 3D, fine crafts, or photography.

  • When selecting entries, artists should consider:

    • Banner-display area is square—about 24” X 24”.
      Any size 2-D artwork or 3-D artwork can be submitted
      You do not have to create a piece of work that is square, but keep in mind that the image on the banner will be square.
      We do not squeeze an image to fit a square, but crop the image to square.  3-D images should have a suitable background to work in a square format.

    • Banners are displayed up high on a light pole. Thus, vibrant, high-contrast entries might be most appealing.

  • Artists may submit two pieces for one entry fee. But only one entry per artist will be accepted.  

  • All submitted artwork must be available for the exhibit, for sale and priced accordingly.

Application Fees:

$45 - Art League Members 

$55 - Guest of the Art League - Non- Members

  • ALL current Art League Members are eligible to apply regardless of county of residence.
  • Applicants who are NOT Art League Members MUST be residents of Henderson County. 

Submission deadline is February 1, 2025

  • Artists are responsible for submitting digital images of their original artwork.  We highly recommend you crop your own images to square prior to submitting, but it is not required.  The Art League reserves the right to crop images that are not square.

  • No frames or mats should be visible in your images.

Notification Process:

  • After the jury has completed its selection, the ArtScape committee will notify participating artists of results.

Accepted Artwork: 

  • The artist’s work and name, along with the name of the banner’s sponsor, will appear on both sides of a durable-vinyl banner. Sponsorships are solicited by the ArtScape committee and provided by local businesses, organizations, and art lovers.

  • The City of Hendersonville hangs the banners annually on Main Street and the downtown avenues. The City maintains the banners throughout the duration of the exhibit. 

Marketing Information: 

  • The ArtScape committee produces marketing materials and a map of the banner.

    Reveal Event:   

An exhibition of the original work and a reveal of the printed banners will be held sometime in May.  Further details will be provided prior to the event.   

Before you apply:

 You will be required to provide the following during the application process:

  1.  Upload an image of your artwork (up to two entries). The ArtScape Committee reserves the right to crop artwork to square if you do not crop your own images.  The banner images must be square.  
  2. Your images should be named:  Last Name-First Name-1 or Last Name-First Name-2 (Example Doe-Jane-1).

  3. It is recommended that you apply on a computer, not on your phone so that you have access to your images.
  4. Your payment must be received by February 1, 2025
  5. You can pay on-line, though sometimes paying on-line especially with a cell phone can be problematic.  If you are unable to pay on line, you can check the "pay by check" option.
  6. You can mail your check to:  Art League, PO Box 514, Hendersonville, NC 28792  Please write the words ArtScape application on your check.

Application Process:

 Members will be requested to enter their Art League login ID and password to be eligible for the member discount.  Non-members are able to apply without logging into the Art League System.


Location: Art Place

Registration ends on 2/21/2025

The Art of Fiber and Textiles
2/1/2025 - 2/22/2025

    The Art League is proud to present “The Art of Fiber and Textiles,” an exhibition that showcases the innovative spirit and enduring traditions of these versatile mediums. The Art League has invited artists from Local Cloth to participate in this special exhibit giving our community an opportunity to view a wide variety of material and design. The Art League was fortunate to escape significant damage from Hurricane Helene, but Local Cloth was almost completely destroyed by flood waters and debris, which knocked out their front door and windows and rose inside the walls to more than 10 feet.
    The exhibit will run from February 1, 2025 to February 21, 2025 at The Art Place gallery, offering visitors a unique opportunity to explore the intersection of ancient traditions and contemporary artistry.  An opening reception will provide an opportunity for visitors to meet the artists on February 1, 2025 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
    The exhibition aims to highlight works rooted in traditional fiber materials, structures, processes, and history, while also celebrating pieces that push the boundaries of fiber art by exploring unexpected relationships with other creative disciplines. From felted sculptures to intricate embroidery and multimedia assemblages, “Material Wealth” presents fiber art as a dynamic and evolving creative expression.

    The exhibit is open to the following including derivations and combinations of materials: 
  • Felting: A process that compresses fibers into dense, durable fabrics or sculptures.
  • Quilting: Layering and stitching fabrics to create intricate patterns and textures.
  • Weaving: Crafting textiles by interlacing threads in structured patterns.
  • Embroidery: Ornamental stitching that adds detail and narrative to fabrics.
  • Lace Making: Creating delicate patterns by looping and twisting threads.
  • Paper-making: Transforming fibrous materials into handcrafted sheets.
  • Mixed Media Assemblages: Integrating fiber with other materials for multidimensional works.
  • Surface embellishment  
Application details:

Registration Fee:  $15
Commission: 30% to the Art League
Registration Deadline:  January 27, 2025
Number of Works:  Artists may enter up to two works.  One work can be "Not for Sale" (nfs).  An artist entering a "Not for Sale" piece must also enter a "For Sale" piece.
Size limitations:  None
Display requirements:  If your work requires a mannequin or special display rack, please provide it. 
Entries will not be juried.  Based on the sizes of pieces entered, we will accept work until we believe the space is filled. 
Location: Art Place
Hendersonville, NC 28791

Online Registration has closed for this event

Creativity Kickstart
2/3/2025 - 2/24/2025

Instructor: Robyn Crawford
Class dates: February 3, 10, 17, & 24
10 am - 1pm

Fee: Members $190; Non-members $215
Maximum class size is 10

Happy new year! Have you made a resolution to get more creative? Ready to infuse some excitement into your art no matter what your medium or level? From absolute beginners to veteran artists, everyone can benefit from shaking things up in their creative practice. Have you been struggling to get going with your art or have fallen into a creative slump? This workshop is for you!

Join creativity coach and instructor Robyn Crawford as she takes you on an exciting, 4-week artistic adventure that’s sure to get your creative juices flowing! In this 12-hour, highly interactive course, you’ll kickstart your creativity by participating in stimulating cross-media art experiments, solving fun creativity-building challenges, working through selected The Artist's Way best practices, learning how to deal with your inner critic, and doing fun, optional “homePLAY” assignments.

Don’t put your art (and YOU!) on the back burner. Register for the winter session! This class is limited to 10 people. Class start time is 10:00 a.m. and it runs til 1:00 p.m. 

Past participant comments::

“Robyn is a dynamic and enthusiastic teacher.  Her class, 'Creative Kickstart', helped me to examine where I'm coming from with my art.  It challenged me to think creatively in a variety of ways.  The class encouraged me to be more self-aware, self-forgiving and to expand my borders when thinking creatively.  Robyn gives lots of positive feedback for all art styles and skill levels.”

“The class is definitely for you if you like to both play and be challenged.  Making yourself think outside the box opens up all sorts of possibilities. Robyn is energetic, supportive, creative, and fun.  She brings out the best in you.”

All supplies are included. 
Location: Art Place Gallery Classroom
2021 Asheville Highway

Online Registration has closed for this event

Library Exhibit Feb/Mar 2025 "PLEIN AIR - Home Is Where the Heart Is"
2/3/2025 - 3/31/2025


Library Exhibit

February 3 – March 31, 2025

The Art League of Henderson County announces: “PLEIN AIR - Home Is Where the Heart Is”

Calling PLEIN AIR artists to exhibit artworks that have been created here in Henderson County or the surrounding area, of your favorite walking paths, memorable landmarks, or sceneries from local places that many are still recovering from Helene.

This is an exhibit opportunity for Art League Members who paint plein air, but might not have joined the Hendersonville Plein Air Group’s email list yet.

(To know more about how to join the Hendersonville Plein Air group - Click here: Plein-Air Group - Art League of Henderson County)

Exhibit Dates:  February 3 – March 31, 2025
Location:  Henderson County Library, 301 N. Washington Street, Hendersonville, NC 28739

Library Exhibits are open to the public and free

Entry Fee: None
Monday, February 3, 2025,
1:30 PM  – 3:00 PM
Location:  Henderson County Library, 301 N. Washington Street, Hendersonville, NC 28739

Monday, March 31, 2025, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Location:  Henderson County Library, 301 N. Washington Street, Hendersonville, NC 28739
Artworks may NOT be removed early.  On an individual basis, delayed pick-up may be arranged by contacting the Exhibit Committee Chair.
  • Works must be original, 2-D, painting, drawing, mixed media. 
  • They must be appropriately framed and ready to hang with wire hangers (no sawtooth hangers can be accepted). 
  • Maximum size for this show (including frame) is 40"x40”.
  • All works must be appropriately identified on the back with the artist’s name and contact information, and the title of the work. 
  • Works may be available for sale by the artist but MUST REMAIN IN THE EXHIBIT FOR THE DURATION OF THE SHOW.  NO EARLY PICK-UP.  Neither the library nor its staff will have any responsibility regarding sales. If a sale is made, the artist must contact the Exhibit Committee Chair for instructions. 
  • To indicate that a piece is Available for Purchase, select “Yes” option on the registration form.  No exact prices can be listed. 
  • You have an option to upload a photo of your artwork on the last step of the registration, but it is not required, images will be used on the Art League website and for PR purposes.

  • DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION is January 24, 2025.  All registrations must be submitted electronically. Exhibiting artists will submit a completed registration form through the ALHC website < -- REGISTRATION FORM (CLICK HERE) -- >. The online registration form also contains the Art League's electronically signed waiver of liability. No paper registrations will be accepted.  Artwork will be accepted on a first come basis until available space is filled.

Sponsored by The Art League of Henderson County

View Our Current and Future Library Exhibits on Art League Henderson Library Exhibits 

Library Exhibit Committee Chair:  Lisa Beam

Location: Henderson County Library
301 N. Washington St
Hendersonville, NC 28739

The attendee limit has been reached for this event.

Library Exhibit Feb/Mar 2025 "Where the Heart Is"
2/3/2025 - 3/31/2025


Library Exhibit

February 3 – March 31, 2025

The Art League of Henderson County announces: “Where the Heart Is”  

There is no better source of inspiration than what has captured your heart.  Ranging in styles and era-inspired, show us your painting that glimpses into how and where your heart is in the right place.  Your painting could represent a smile of a special someone, or the scent of a home-cooked meal,  or colors and sounds from your favorite walking paths, or memories beneath the photos of a landmark, a scenery from your trips, etc.  We know that every circle, square, and triangle that frame a painting has a story to tell — including yours!

Exhibit Dates:  February 3 – March 31, 2025
Location:  Henderson County Library, 301 N. Washington Street, Hendersonville, NC 28739

Library Exhibits are open to the public and free

Entry Fee: None
Monday, February 3, 2025,
1:30 PM  – 3:00 PM
Location:  Henderson County Library, 301 N. Washington Street, Hendersonville, NC 28739

Monday, March 31, 2025, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Location:  Henderson County Library, 301 N. Washington Street, Hendersonville, NC 28739
Artworks may NOT be removed early.  On an individual basis, delayed pick-up may be arranged by contacting the Exhibit Committee Chair.
  • Works must be original, 2-D, 3-D, painting, drawing, mixed media, or fine-art photography. 
  • They must be appropriately framed and ready to hang with wire hangers (no sawtooth hangers can be accepted). 
  • Maximum size for this show (including frame) is 40"x40”.  Three-dimensional work must be no taller than 15”.
  • All works must be appropriately identified on the back with the artist’s name and contact information, and the title of the work. 
  • Works may be available for sale by the artist but MUST REMAIN IN THE EXHIBIT FOR THE DURATION OF THE SHOW.  NO EARLY PICK-UP.  Neither the library nor its staff will have any responsibility regarding sales. If a sale is made, the artist must contact the Exhibit Committee Chair for instructions. 
  • To indicate that a piece is Available for Purchase, select “Yes” option on the registration form.  No exact prices can be listed. 
  • You have an option to upload a photo of your artwork on the last step of the registration, but it is not required, images will be used on the Art League website and for PR purposes.

  • DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION is January 24, 2025.  All registrations must be submitted electronically. Exhibiting artists will submit a completed registration form through the ALHC website < -- REGISTRATION FORM (CLICK HERE) -- >. The online registration form also contains the Art League's electronically signed waiver of liability. No paper registrations will be accepted.  Artwork will be accepted on a first come basis until available space is filled.

Sponsored by The Art League of Henderson County
Library Exhibit Committee Chair:  Lisa Beam

Location: Henderson County Library
301 N. Washington St
Hendersonville, NC 28739

The attendee limit has been reached for this event.

2/18/2025 - 2/19/2025

Instructor: Pat Morgan
Date: 2/18/2025 - 2/19/2025
Time: 9:30 am - 1:30 pm
Location: Art Place Gallery Workshop
Members: $130 Non-Members: $156

Two-day Class.  All mediums are welcome. The goals are for students to choose first what they want to paint and then techniques will be demonstrated to work with skill in edges, color mixing, and simplification. All demonstrations will be done in watercolor. Please bring the amount of your supplies to work simply in a workshop setting. For the workshop supply list please go to Pat Morgan's Website. Feel free to contact me with questions. 


Artist Bio:
Pat has been painting and teaching for many years in New York, New Jersey, and now in WNC. She has received many local and regional awards and is a signature member of the North East Watercolor Society and a former member of the NJ Watercolor Society, Audubon Artists, Inc., and the Salmagundi Club in NYC.


Mixed Media Mementos with Miranda

Instructor: Miranda Wildman
Date: 2/22/2025
Location: Art Place Studio Workshop
Members: $50 Non-Members: $60

Join us at Art Place Studios for a morning of creative play and relaxation! Local Artist Miranda Wildman will offer gentle guidance in the use of materials such as acrylic paints, water-soluble crayons, markers, hand-painted papers, textile remnants, flora + fauna collage ephemera, silver + gold leaf, and surprise mixed media materials. During our time together we will create mixed-media mementos on wood and canvas. With a focus on play and experimentation with colors, textures, and layers inspired by the season, we create expressive and unique pieces of art that can be shared as gifts or collected as cherished mementos. 
what to expect when you make art with Miranda:
  • A welcoming, vibrant, creative, and cozy atmosphere
  • All art materials and gentle, creative guidance
  • All ages welcome (folks under 13 should be accompanied by an adult)
  • All gender identities welcome
  • All levels of experience are welcome, no experience is required!
  • All art experiences, parties, and workshops with Miranda are come-as-you-are, judgment-free zones
All Supplies will be provided for

Artist Bio:
Growing up in a charming rural ski town nestled in the beautiful landscapes of Vermont, I had the incredible benefit of playing outside frequently, immersing myself in the enchanting magic of each season and its abundance of varied shapes, colors, and textures. I would joyfully create various forms of art alongside my Mother, participate in art classes with enthusiastic teachers and classmates, and collaborate with several friends who shared a passion for trying new things and learning new crafts. Then I went to Portland, Maine, and was surrounded by, inspired b,y and making art with amazing artists and professors in a city by the dynamic sea at Maine College of Art. Back in Vermont, I continued to stay in awe of nature and the seasonal experiences. After living here now for more than half my life, in addition to cherishing those special memories, I find myself deeply inspired by the rich diversity of flora and fauna that grace the majestic mountain peaks and tranquil hollers of Western North Carolina. I am also profoundly grateful for the vibrant creative community I am fortunate to be a part of, both here and beyond, with whom I share precious moments of art-making, exchange thoughts and dreams, and hold close to my heart. Throughout all my experiences in art-making, I have come to realize that it is truly the people we connect with and the planet we inhabit that hold the most significant importance in our lives. Therefore, I wholeheartedly believe that art-making is for everyone. We don’t need to possess special titles, degrees, or credentials to identify ourselves as artists in order to engage in and thoroughly enjoy the art-making process. All we need to do is press the play button. Creating art, particularly together, leads to collective release of inhibitions, a comfortable and festive atmosphere, and a chance for everyone to get a boost of happiness and calm in this fast-paced world with many expectations while connecting over conversation, laughter, and sharing stories. For these reasons, I look forward to the time we make art together!

Somatic Art Drawing and Art Therapy

Instructor: Judi Moolten

Date: February 23, 2025 11:00am-1:00
also  3/6, 3/30  Register separately
Location: The Art Place Gallery Classroom

Fee: Members: $65.00, Non-members: $80.00

Maximum Class Size: 50

About the Class:  

Somatic Art, Drawing & Art Therapy-

Somatic Art Drawing & Art Therapy - This is a workshop for self-discovery. We will work together to connect through Somatic Art. We will access areas where the individual may be blocked from their artistic expression and how to find a deeper connection through artistic communication. Using tools from EMDR/Bilateral Stimulation, Enneagram Typing/Character types, and IBSR Somatic mapping, each participant will create a deeper CREATIVE connection with themselves and others.

We will remove unhealthy stress and open the artist's palette to physical expressions of color, mental descriptors, and balancing of the art/science part of our brain, or organized side while opening it up to the fully self-expressed side. We will remove barriers to creativity and discover what artwork best suits you.

We will help participants recognize their strengths as well as uncover the blind spots that they bring to life. This workshop will be invaluable if you want to improve your creative side and find areas that block you.

Pre-req's teacher will send some materials via email for participants to fill out at least 24 hours before class. Participants will bring, tissue, a journal, favorite pens, pencils, and markers.
Participants will bring, tissue, a journal, favorite pens, pencils, and markers.

Artist Bio:  Judi Moolten is a retired trauma behavioral specialist. Judi spent 20-plus years as a social worker and clinical director for nonprofits before she opened her own mental health training facility that she ran until COVID hit. Prior to COVID, she traveled the world training clinicians in the most advanced somatic psychology processing tools available. Now retired from the Mental health profession as a licensed clinician, she has found a way to disrupt behavioral health and the art world by bringing what was once used only in a clinical setting to treat unhealthy stress to the mainstream. Judi occasionally teaches, coaches, and supervises clinicians and non-mental health professionals in stress that leads to trauma. She also teaches real estate agents how to apply stress-reducing tools to the art of communication between buyers and sellers of property. She owns her own Real Estate Firm, Grateful Mindset Properties, where she serves WNC & beyond with a grateful mindset and volunteers for many nonprofits in the area as a charity liaison and more. In addition, she has a weekly radio show combining, art, science, and a tad of real estate. Where she has local guests, local news, and local culture live on air Saturday mornings at 9:00 am, on 107.7 FM.

Location: Art Place Gallery Classroom
2021 Asheville Highway
Hendersonville, NC 28791

There are currently 12 spots remaining out of 12

PowerPoint and Paint
2/25/2025 - 2/25/2025

Instructor: Patti Beckert
Date: 2/25/2025
Time: 2 pm - 4:30 pm
Location: Art Place Studios Workshops
Members: $70 Non-Members: $84

PowerPoint and Paint – An Intuitive Artist’s Guide to Naïve or Raw Art
This class is based on the PowerPoint Presentation I gave on the above subject last year for the Art for Lunch – Delicious Details program by Kate Stockman.
What you get with this class is an intro to Abstract Art via a 15-minute PowerPoint presentation on my journey as an abstract artist. Once the presentation closes, I will take a few questions before we set about to create your own 5 x 7 piece of abstract art choosing one of the styles in the presentation. We will be using paint markers and acrylic paint, along with some additives.
Supplies will be furnished.
Come ready to paint, i.e. wear old clothes or an apron, latex gloves if preferred (we may be using our fingers to paint, who knows?)

Artists Bio:
Patti Beckert is an emerging artist living in Fletcher, NC with her husband and two young Chihuahuas. Shortly after moving to Fletcher in 2018, Patti became a member of the Art League of Henderson County. She continues to exhibit her art at its many events during the year. In addition to painting, Patti also creates whimsical and inspirational drawings and comics. Her comic strip “Quick on the Draw” can be seen monthly in the Arts and Culture Magazine. In 2023, her abstract art was featured on an ArtScape banner in downtown Hendersonville.

“For me, the magic lies in taking a blank canvas or piece of paper and beginning to lay down marks. I have no preconceived notions of what will eventually develop, but when I see it, I know it. Add to that my love of vibrant colors chosen carefully for each painting, and the art becomes uniquely mine.”
Patti is an intuitive artist whose imagination knows no bounds.

Life Drawing
3/1/2025 - 3/1/2025

Date: 3/1/2025
Time: 1 pm - 3 pm
Location: Art Place Gallery Workshop
Members: $10 Non-Members: $12

Life Drawing Sessions

Life drawing is the activity of drawing the human body from a live model. The models are
typically nude, but there may be sessions in which we have models in clothing. Life drawing is a
great way to build your drawing skills. These sessions are not a class but facilitated sessions.
The sessions are structured, and we have short as well as longer poses. The $10.00 fee is to
provide payment to the model. The sessions will be held two times per month from 1:00 pm –
3:00 pm. The space in the classroom can be tight, so we are requesting that you sign up for the
sessions to ensure that everyone has enough space. Easels, tables, and chairs are provided.

Mindful Mark-Making: Neurographic Art

Instructor: Kara Ashley-Gilmore
Date: 3/2/2025
Location: Art Place Studio Workshop
Members: $30 Non-Members: $35

Join us for a relaxing session of mindful art-making. We will incorporate the 7 principles of mindfulness while we use watercolors and drawing materials as tools for relaxation. You’ll be led through a series of creative mark-making exercises and grounding techniques, followed by a longer, meditative painting & mark-making session.

During this month’s session, we will focus on neurographic art, which is based on Pavel Piskarev’s, Neurographica® model. We will be creating lines and shapes, resembling neurons and cells, and adding mark-making elements along the way.

Each session includes:
-A “Principles of Mindfulness for Art-Making” guide
-An opening mindfulness meditation
-A mark-making instruction template
-Bilateral drawing and breath work warm-up exercises
-An extended mindful mark-making & painting session
-A closing sharing circle

-March Session: Neurographic Art
-April Session: Petri Paintings
-May Session: Abstract Patterns
-September Session: Mandalas
-November Session: Nature Patterns


All supplies will be provided and may include watercolor paints, various drawing pens, pencils, pastels, and acrylic paint markers. Bring your willingness to play, and your desire to connect and share!

Artist Bio:
Kara Ashley-Gilmore believes in the use of our innate creativity for our wellness and healing. She is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Board-Certified Art Therapist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, and a mixed-media artist at the Art Place Studios, in Hendersonville. As an artist, Kara paints intuitively, often incorporating bright colors with layers of paint, text, and collage, to process life and express themes of hope and encouragement. Art-making has always been an important part of her self-care, and her studio is her personal space to experiment and play. Ultimately, all of her work is about helping people be more creative, use their creativity for personal growth, and incorporate creativity into their daily lives. Her art therapy workshops are tailored to those who appreciate opportunities for creative exploration–with gentle guidance, in a nonjudgmental, quiet atmosphere.

Creating an Abstract Collage Series

Instructor: Diane Dean
Date: 3/06/2025
Location: Art Place Studio Workshop
Members: $90 Non-Members: $110

Artist Diane Dean will lead this one-day class and we will explore techniques in collage onto stretched canvas. Students will create a collage using a limited range of color values.  We will work on a large canvas surface and once the collage is done, choose sections to cut out to create a multi-piece collection.  This approach challenges students to work intuitively and focus on colors and forms in a loose composition.  All papers, canvas, tools, and paint will be provided. Bring a roll of paper towels, and scissors.  Students will be able to choose from a wide variety of paper and found objects and also bring their own if they wish. Be prepared to have fun with collage!

Supplies:  Bring a roll of paper towels and a set of scissors.  All other supplies will provided for

Intermediate level

Artist Bio:  

Diane S. Dean is an experienced Acrylic/Mixed Media Artist with over twenty years of experience. “My work is representational and draws on the colors and rhythms of nature. I build layers of texture in my fine art pieces that push the boundaries of the 2D category.”    Award-winning artist, Diane Dean, is the current president of the Art League of Henderson County.   Throughout her career, Diane has presented seminars and lectures in graphic design concepts, color theory, and the use of technology in the development of visual communications.

Somatic Art Drawing and Art Therapy

Instructor:  Judi Moolten    

Date: March 6, 11-1pm

Location: The Art Place Gallery Classroom

Fee: Members: $50., Non-members: $ 65

Maximum Class Size: 25

About the Class:
Somatic Art Drawing and Art Therapy - this is a workshop for self-discovery.  We will work together to connect through Somatic Art.  We will access areas where the individual may be blocked from artistic expression and how to find a deeper connection through artistic communication.  Using tools from EMDR/Bilateral Stimluation, Enneagram Typing/Character types, and IBSR Somatic mapping each participant will create deeper CREATIVE connections with themselves and others.
We will remove unhealthy stress and open up the artist's palette to physical expressions of color, mental descriptors, and balancing the art/science part of our brain, or organized side while opening it up to the fully self-expressed side.  We will remove barriers to creativity and discover what artwork best suits you.
We will help participants recognize person strengths as well as to uncover the blind spots that they bring to life.  If you want to improve your creative side and uncover areas that block you, this workshop will be invaluable.

Pre-req's teacher will send some materials via email for participants to fill out at least 24 hours before class. Participants will bring, tissue, a journal, favorite pens, pencils, and markers.    

Artist Bio:   Judi Moolten is a retired trauma behavioral specialist. Judi spent 20-plus years as a social worker and clinical director for nonprofits before she opened her mental health training facility that she ran until COVID hit. Before COVID, she traveled the world training clinicians in the most advanced somatic psychology processing tools available. Now retired from the Mental health profession as a licensed clinician, she has found a way to disrupt behavioral health and the art world by bringing what was once used only in a clinical setting to treat unhealthy stress to the mainstream. Judi occasionally teaches, coaches, and supervises clinicians and non-mental health professionals in unhealthy stress that leads to trauma. Couples using Somatic Art are her specialty. She also teaches real estate agents how to apply stress-reducing tools to the art of communication between buyers and sellers of property. In addition, she is a top Real Estate Agent in WNC and owns her own Real Estate Firm, Grateful Mindset Properties, where she serves WNC & beyond with a grateful mindset and volunteers for many nonprofits in the area as a charity liaison and more. In addition, she has a weekly radio show combining, art, science, and a tad of real estate. Where she has local guests, local news, and local culture live on air Saturday mornings at 9:00 am, on 107.7 FM.


Location: Art Place Gallery Classroom
2021 Asheville Hwy
Hendersonville, NC 28791

"Art Therapy: The Movie” and a round-robin art swap!

Instructor: Kara Ashley-Gilmore
Date: 3/10/2025
Location: Art Place Studio Workshop
Members: $5 Non-Members: $7

In celebration of next week’s Creative Arts Therapies Week, join us for a screening of “Art Therapy: The Movie” and a round-robin art swap!

Directed by Alfonso Bui, this 2016 documentary is “an epic journey around the world exploring the innovative ways art therapy is being used to overcome emotional challenges and traumatic experiences.” The documentary run-time is 56 minutes.

During the film, you will be invited to participate in a guided, round-robin art swap, where all participants spend a brief period of time leaving their mark on their art before passing it to their neighbor and repeating the process. Everyone who participates in the round-robin swap will leave with a piece of art that has been transformed by each participant.

There will be a brief time after the film for discussion and Q&A about Art Therapy.

All supplies will be provided and may include various paints, stencils, collage materials, colored pencils, markers, and pastels. Bring your willingness to play, and your desire to connect and share!

Artist Bio:
Kara Ashley-Gilmore believes in the use of our innate creativity for our wellness and healing. She is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Board Certified Art Therapist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, and a mixed-media artist at the Art Place Studios, in Hendersonville. As an artist, Kara paints intuitively, often incorporating bright colors with layers of paint, text, and collage, to process life and express themes of hope and encouragement. Art-making has always been an important part of her self-care, and her studio is her personal space to experiment and play. Ultimately, all of her work is about helping people be more creative, use their creativity for personal growth, and incorporate creativity into their daily lives. Her art therapy workshops are tailored to those who appreciate opportunities for creative exploration–with gentle guidance–in a nonjudgmental, quiet atmosphere.

Art and Craft Classes: Spring Break 5-day Art Academy
3/17/2025 - 3/21/2025

Art and Craft Classes: Spring Break 5-day Art Academy


Time: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Fee:  $75 (per child)

Location: Art Place Studio Workshop

This 5-day class provides interactive creative art programming for children.  Each day students will learn about different art styles, and get to use different types of art mediums and techniques including painting, drawing, collage, print-making, and mixed-media. Each day will allow students to participate in different art form projects.  Parents will be expected to drop kids off at 1 pm (or feel free to stay and watch!) and pick kids up at 2:30 pm.

Clay/Ceramic Classes: Spring Break 5-day Clay Club
3/17/2025 - 3/21/2025

Clay/Ceramic Classes:   Spring Break 5-day Clay Club

Date: 3/17/2025 - 3/21/2025 

Time: 10:00 am - 11:30 am

Fee:  $35 (Per Child)

Location: Glassman Clay Studio

This week-long class includes three sessions of wheel throwing and two sessions of hand building.   In the wheel throwing session students will be taught the fundamentals of wedging, centering, lifting, trimming, and on the pottery wheel. In the hand-building session, students will focus on creating shapes and molding clay into fun and functional objects.

Location: Glassman Clay Studio at Art Place
2015 Asheville Hwy
Hendersonville, NC 28791

The attendee limit has been reached for this event.

Brush & Bloom: Hydrangeas on Canvas

Instructor: Samantha (Sammy) Allen
Date: 3/19/2025
Location: Art Place Studios Front Workshop
Members: $50  Non-Members: $60

This beginner-friendly acrylic painting class will guide you through the step-by-step process of painting beautiful hydrangea flowers using acrylic paints. You’ll learn fundamental techniques and tricks to capture the delicate, yet vibrant nature of hydrangeas, focusing on color mixing, brushwork, and creating depth.

Key Concepts Covered:

1. Introduction to Acrylics:

o Understanding acrylic paints and their properties.
o How to choose the right brushes for different painting techniques.
o Basic color theory and mixing colors to create vibrant shades for your hydrangea blooms.

2. Composition:

o How to plan the outline and layout of hydrangea flowers before painting.
o Tips for arranging the flowers within the composition for a balanced and pleasing look.

3. Layering and Building Texture:

o Techniques for layering paint to create depth and dimension in your flowers.
o How to create the soft, rounded petals of hydrangeas with short, controlled brushstrokes.
o Adding highlights and shadows to give the flowers a more realistic and three-dimensional appearance.

4. Creating the Leaves:

o How to create soft, complementary leaves that make the hydrangeas pop.
o Color tips for mixing a realistic and complementary green

5. Finishing Touches:

o Adding final details such as a complementary background or little highlights or details to bring your painting to life.
o Step back and admire your work!

What You Will Learn: By the end of the class, you will have created a beautiful acrylic painting of hydrangea flowers. You will gain confidence in your painting skills, be able to mix colors effectively and master the techniques required to paint delicate yet vibrant flowers in acrylics.

Materials Needed:
• A happy and positive attitude! (All supplies will be provided)

Class Structure:
• Step 1: Introduction & Demonstration (15 minutes)
• Step 2: Guided Planning & Painting Techniques (60 minutes)
• Step 3: Independent Painting with Instructor Support (30 minutes)
• Step 4: Review & Final Touches (15 minutes)

Whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to improve your acrylic painting skills, this class will help you create a stunning hydrangea painting that you’ll be proud to display!

Beginner Level

Artist Bio:
       Born and raised in the mountains of Western North Carolina, Sammy Jean has always been inspired by the beauty of nature and the gentle parts of life. From an early age, her creativity and imagination were fostered and encouraged, spending hours in pretend play and crafting, but not necessarily showing promising signs of artistry. The interest in art and passion for painting was a skill pursued later in life.
Drawing deeply from the inspiring beauty of surrounding nature and romanticized memories, Sammy’s work reflects an appreciation for nature’s subtle beauty and the softer aspects of life. Through her art, she seeks to capture the quiet, subtle moments that often go unnoticed, inviting viewers to pause and reflect on the gentle warmth of the world around them.
       Sammy’s breadth of work has a strong focus on florals. Painting mainly in acrylics and watercolors, her work captures the delicate beauty of flowers with a touch of whimsy. Her signature style incorporates intentional brushstrokes, soft color palettes, and an enchanting sense of light and shadow, allowing her paintings to invite you in.
In her class, Sammy focuses on making painting accessible and fun for all skill levels, especially beginners. She believes in the power of imagination to uplift and inspire, and she strives to create a relaxed, supportive environment where her students can explore their own artistic expression.
From color mixing to the final brushstroke, she wants her students to embrace the joy of creating and feel present in that moment.
When she’s not painting, Sammy can often be found exploring the gardens of Biltmore Estate with her rescue dog, Lucy. Being in nature continues to inspire her and create a sense of purpose and a feeling of immense possibility.


Mixed Media Mementos with Miranda

Instructor: Miranda Wildman
Date: 3/22/2025
Location: Art Place Studio Workshop
Members: $50 Non-Members: $60

Join us at Art Place Studios for a morning of creative play and relaxation! Local Artist Miranda Wildman will offer gentle guidance in the use of materials such as acrylic paints, water-soluble crayons, markers, hand-painted papers, textile remnants, flora + fauna collage ephemera, silver + gold leaf, and surprise mixed media materials. During our time together we will create mixed-media mementos on wood and canvas. With a focus on play and experimentation with colors, textures, and layers inspired by the season, we create expressive and unique pieces of art that can be shared as gifts or collected as cherished mementos. 
what to expect when you make art with Miranda:
  • A welcoming, vibrant, creative, and cozy atmosphere
  • All art materials and gentle, creative guidance
  • All ages welcome (folks under 13 should be accompanied by an adult)
  • All gender identities welcome
  • All levels of experience are welcome, no experience is required!
  • All art experiences, parties, and workshops with Miranda are come-as-you-are, judgment-free zones
All Supplies will be provided for

Artist Bio:
Growing up in a charming rural ski town nestled in the beautiful landscapes of Vermont, I had the incredible benefit of playing outside frequently, immersing myself in the enchanting magic of each season and its abundance of varied shapes, colors, and textures. I would joyfully create various forms of art alongside my Mother, participate in art classes with enthusiastic teachers and classmates, and collaborate with several friends who shared a passion for trying new things and learning new crafts. Then I went to Portland, Maine, and was surrounded by, inspired b,y and making art with amazing artists and professors in a city by the dynamic sea at Maine College of Art. Back in Vermont, I continued to stay in awe of nature and the seasonal experiences. After living here now for more than half my life, in addition to cherishing those special memories, I find myself deeply inspired by the rich diversity of flora and fauna that grace the majestic mountain peaks and tranquil hollers of Western North Carolina. I am also profoundly grateful for the vibrant creative community I am fortunate to be a part of, both here and beyond, with whom I share precious moments of art-making, exchange thoughts and dreams, and hold close to my heart. Throughout all my experiences in art-making, I have come to realize that it is truly the people we connect with and the planet we inhabit that hold the most significant importance in our lives. Therefore, I wholeheartedly believe that art-making is for everyone. We don’t need to possess special titles, degrees, or credentials to identify ourselves as artists in order to engage in and thoroughly enjoy the art-making process. All we need to do is press the play button. Creating art, particularly together, leads to collective release of inhibitions, a comfortable and festive atmosphere, and a chance for everyone to get a boost of happiness and calm in this fast-paced world with many expectations while connecting over conversation, laughter, and sharing stories. For these reasons, I look forward to the time we make art together!

Mini Affirmation Books

Instructor: Kara Ashley-Gilmore
Date: 3/29/2025
Location: Art Place Studio Workshop
Members: $50  Non-Members: $60

“I am…” is one of the most powerful phrases you can ever say. Whatever follows “I am…” is what you believe–and will become what you are. Why not choose to end that phrase with something positive? In this workshop, we will create a cut-and-folded, mini-affirmation book that contains our strengths, gifts, and desires, so we won’t forget who we are underneath the whispers of our inner critics. We will explore color, texture, and collage as we fill our pages with found images, paint, and text. No drawing or art-making experience is needed.

All supplies will be provided and may include various magazines, paints, collage materials, colored pencils, markers, and pastels. Bring your willingness to play, and your desire to connect and share!


Artist Bio:
Kara Ashley-Gilmore believes in the use of our innate creativity for our wellness and healing. She is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Board Certified Art Therapist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, and a mixed-media artist at the Art Place Studios, in Hendersonville. As an artist, Kara paints intuitively, often incorporating bright colors with layers of paint, text, and collage, to process life and express themes of hope and encouragement. Art-making has always been an important part of her self-care, and her studio is her personal space to experiment and play. Ultimately, all of her work is about helping people be more creative, use their creativity for personal growth, and incorporate creativity into their daily lives. Her art therapy workshops are tailored to those who appreciate opportunities for creative exploration–with gentle guidance–in a nonjudgmental, quiet atmosphere.

Somatic Art Drawing and Art Therapy

Instructor: Judi Moolten

Date: March 30, 2025 11:00am-1:00

Location: The Art Place Gallery Classroom

Fee: Members: $65.00, Non-members: $80.00

Maximum Class Size: 50

About the Class:  

Somatic Art, Drawing & Art Therapy-

Somatic Art Drawing & Art Therapy - This is a workshop for self-discovery. We will work together to connect through Somatic Art. We will access areas where the individual may be blocked from their artistic expression and how to find a deeper connection through artistic communication. Using tools from EMDR/Bilateral Stimulation, Enneagram Typing/Character types, and IBSR Somatic mapping, each participant will create a deeper CREATIVE connection with themselves and others.

We will remove unhealthy stress and open the artist's palette to physical expressions of color, mental descriptors, and balancing of the art/science part of our brain, or organized side while opening it up to the fully self-expressed side. We will remove barriers to creativity and discover what artwork best suits you.

We will help participants recognize their strengths as well as uncover the blind spots that they bring to life. This workshop will be invaluable if you want to improve your creative side and find areas that block you.

Pre-req's teacher will send some materials via email for participants to fill out at least 24 hours before class. Participants will bring, tissue, a journal, favorite pens, pencils, and markers.
Participants will bring, tissue, a journal, favorite pens, pencils, and markers.

Artist Bio:  Judi Moolten is a retired trauma behavioral specialist. Judi spent 20-plus years as a social worker and clinical director for nonprofits before she opened her own mental health training facility that she ran until COVID hit. Prior to COVID, she traveled the world training clinicians in the most advanced somatic psychology processing tools available. Now retired from the Mental health profession as a licensed clinician, she has found a way to disrupt behavioral health and the art world by bringing what was once used only in a clinical setting to treat unhealthy stress to the mainstream. Judi occasionally teaches, coaches, and supervises clinicians and non-mental health professionals in stress that leads to trauma. She also teaches real estate agents how to apply stress-reducing tools to the art of communication between buyers and sellers of property. She owns her own Real Estate Firm, Grateful Mindset Properties, where she serves WNC & beyond with a grateful mindset and volunteers for many nonprofits in the area as a charity liaison and more. In addition, she has a weekly radio show combining, art, science, and a tad of real estate. Where she has local guests, local news, and local culture live on air Saturday mornings at 9:00 am, on 107.7 FM.

Location: Art Place Gallery Classroom
2021 Asheville Highway
Hendersonville, NC 28791

There are currently 12 spots remaining out of 12

Library Exhibit March/June 2025 "All Creatures Great and Small"
3/31/2025 - 6/30/2025


Library Exhibit

March 31 – June 30, 2025

The Art League of Henderson County announces: “All Creatures, Great and Small”  

As December days slipped by, your furry and feathered friends know that spring is around the corner,
 growing anxious for summer.  As life isn’t all springtime, so to those that hold special memories, their voices still echo in your ears, they will remain as one of us.  Cecil Frances Alexander, a poet and hymn writer in 1800s, she is best known for this simple poem – ‘All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all.’  “All Creatures Great and Small” (named from the second line of the poem) is based on James Herriot’s tales of a late-1930s Yorkshire veterinarian.  In its 2020 television adaptation, Dr. Siegfried Farnon assures his new hire surgeon that, “The animals are the easy part. It’s the people cause all the bother.”  It’s the people that the animals touch.  Artists are invited to create artworks of their favorite animal subject, with a picture in mind - the story of quiet joy that the animal tells. 
Exhibit Dates:  March 31 – June 30, 2025
Location:  Henderson County Library, 301 N. Washington Street, Hendersonville, NC 28739

Library Exhibits are open to the public and free

Entry Fee: None
Monday, March 31,
1:30 PM  – 2:30 PM
Location:  Henderson County Library, 301 N. Washington Street, Hendersonville, NC 28739

Monday, June 30, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Location:  Henderson County Library, 301 N. Washington Street, Hendersonville, NC 28739
Artworks may NOT be removed early.  On an individual basis, delayed pick-up may be arranged by contacting the Exhibit Committee Chair.
  • Works must be original, 2-D, 3-D, painting, drawing, mixed media, or fine-art photography. 
  • They must be appropriately framed and ready to hang with wire hangers (no sawtooth hangers can be accepted). 
  • Maximum size for this show (including frame) is 40"x40”.  Three-dimensional work must be no taller than 15”.
  • All works must be appropriately identified on the back with the artist’s name and contact information, and the title of the work. 
  • Works may be available for sale by the artist but MUST REMAIN IN THE EXHIBIT FOR THE DURATION OF THE SHOW.  NO EARLY PICK-UP.  Neither the library nor its staff will have any responsibility regarding sales. If a sale is made, the artist must contact the Exhibit Committee Chair for instructions. 
  • To indicate that a piece is Available for Purchase, select “Yes” option on the registration form.  No exact prices can be listed. 
  • You have an option to upload a photo of your artwork on the last step of the registration, but it is not required, images will be used on the Art League website and for PR purposes.

  • DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATIONS is March 24.  All registration must be submitted electronically. Exhibiting artists will submit a completed registration form through the ALHC website < -- REGISTRATION FORM (CLICK HERE) -- >. The online registration form also contains the Art League's electronically signed waiver of liability. No paper registrations will be accepted.  Artwork will be accepted on a first come basis until available space is filled.

Sponsored by The Art League of Henderson County
Library Exhibit Committee Chair:  Lisa Beam

Location: Henderson County Library
301 N. Washington St
Hendersonville, NC 28739

Registration ends on 3/24/2025
There are currently 37 spots remaining out of 38

Mindful Mark-Making: Petri Paintings

Instructor: Kara Ashley-Gilmore
Date: 4/6/2025
Location: Art Place Studio Workshop
Members: $30 Non-Members: $35

Join us for a relaxing session of mindful art-making. We will incorporate the 7 principles of mindfulness while we use watercolors and drawing materials as tools for relaxation. You’ll be led through a series of creative mark-making exercises and grounding techniques, followed by a longer, meditative painting & mark-making session.

During this month’s session, we will play with watercolors in a circular format, adding elements which allow for greater spontaneity and experimentation.

Each session includes:
-A “Principles of Mindfulness for Art-Making” guide
-An opening mindfulness meditation
-A mark-making instruction template
-Bilateral drawing and breath work warm-up exercises
-An extended mindful mark-making & painting session
-A closing sharing circle

-March Session: Neurographic Art
-April Session: Petri Paintings
-May Session: Abstract Patterns
-September Session: Mandalas
-November Session: Nature Patterns


All supplies will be provided and may include watercolor paints, various drawing pens, pencils, pastels, and acrylic paint markers. Bring your willingness to play, and your desire to connect and share!

Artist Bio:
Kara Ashley-Gilmore believes in the use of our innate creativity for our wellness and healing. She is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Board-Certified Art Therapist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, and a mixed-media artist at the Art Place Studios, in Hendersonville. As an artist, Kara paints intuitively, often incorporating bright colors with layers of paint, text, and collage, to process life and express themes of hope and encouragement. Art-making has always been an important part of her self-care, and her studio is her personal space to experiment and play. Ultimately, all of her work is about helping people be more creative, use their creativity for personal growth, and incorporate creativity into their daily lives. Her art therapy workshops are tailored to those who appreciate opportunities for creative exploration–with gentle guidance, in a nonjudgmental, quiet atmosphere.

Mixed Media Mementos with Miranda

Instructor: Miranda Wildman
Date: 4/26/2025
Location: Art Place Studios Workshop
Members: $50 Non-Members: $60

Join us at Art Place Studios for a morning of creative play and relaxation! Local Artist Miranda Wildman will offer gentle guidance in the use of materials such as acrylic paints, water-soluble crayons, markers, hand-painted papers, textile remnants, flora + fauna collage ephemera, silver + gold leaf, and surprise mixed media materials. During our time together we will create mixed-media mementos on wood and canvas. With a focus on play and experimentation with colors, textures, and layers inspired by the season, we create expressive and unique pieces of art that can be shared as gifts or collected as cherished mementos. 
what to expect when you make art with Miranda:
  • A welcoming, vibrant, creative, and cozy atmosphere
  • All art materials and gentle, creative guidance
  • All ages welcome (folks under 13 should be accompanied by an adult)
  • All gender identities welcome
  • All levels of experience are welcome, no experience is required!
  • All art experiences, parties, and workshops with Miranda are come-as-you-are, judgment-free zones
All Supplies will be provided for

Artist Bio:
Growing up in a charming rural ski town nestled in the beautiful landscapes of Vermont, I had the incredible benefit of playing outside frequently, immersing myself in the enchanting magic of each season and its abundance of varied shapes, colors, and textures. I would joyfully create various forms of art alongside my Mother, participate in art classes with enthusiastic teachers and classmates, and collaborate with several friends who shared a passion for trying new things and learning new crafts. Then I went to Portland, Maine, and was surrounded by, inspired b,y and making art with amazing artists and professors in a city by the dynamic sea at Maine College of Art. Back in Vermont, I continued to stay in awe of nature and the seasonal experiences. After living here now for more than half my life, in addition to cherishing those special memories, I find myself deeply inspired by the rich diversity of flora and fauna that grace the majestic mountain peaks and tranquil hollers of Western North Carolina. I am also profoundly grateful for the vibrant creative community I am fortunate to be a part of, both here and beyond, with whom I share precious moments of art-making, exchange thoughts and dreams, and hold close to my heart. Throughout all my experiences in art-making, I have come to realize that it is truly the people we connect with and the planet we inhabit that hold the most significant importance in our lives. Therefore, I wholeheartedly believe that art-making is for everyone. We don’t need to possess special titles, degrees, or credentials to identify ourselves as artists in order to engage in and thoroughly enjoy the art-making process. All we need to do is press the play button. Creating art, particularly together, leads to collective release of inhibitions, a comfortable and festive atmosphere, and a chance for everyone to get a boost of happiness and calm in this fast-paced world with many expectations while connecting over conversation, laughter, and sharing stories. For these reasons, I look forward to the time we make art together!

Paper Flowers

Instructor: Kara Ashley-Gilmore
Date: 4/26/2025
Location: Art Place Studio Workplace
No Fee

Come visit the Art Place Studios during this weekend’s “Petals, Pots, & Palettes” Spring Celebration!

Resident artist, Kara Ashley-Gilmore, will be facilitating a Paper Flower-Making workshop on Saturday. Drop in any time, from 2-4pm to create your own mini bouquet. This workshop is FREE and open to the public. All supplies will be provided, and may include colorful papers, flower templates, floral tape, wire, & tools to share. Bring your willingness to play, and your desire to connect!

Artist Bio:
Kara Ashley-Gilmore believes in the use of our innate creativity for our wellness and healing. She is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Board Certified Art Therapist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, and a mixed-media artist at the Art Place Studios, in Hendersonville. As an artist, Kara paints intuitively, often incorporating bright colors with layers of paint, text, and collage, to process life and express themes of hope and encouragement. Art-making has always been an important part of her self-care, and her studio is her personal space to experiment and play. Ultimately, all of her work is about helping people be more creative, use their creativity for personal growth, and incorporate creativity into their daily lives. Her art therapy workshops are tailored to those who appreciate opportunities for creative exploration–with gentle guidance–in a nonjudgmental, quiet atmosphere.


Luscious Layered Blooms

Instructor: Kara Ashley-Gilmore
Date: 4/27/2025
Location: Art Place Studio Workshop
Members: $10  Non-Members: $12

Resident artist, Kara Ashley-Gilmore, will be facilitating a flower-painting workshop, “Luscious Layered Booms”. You’ll be guided through the process of creating a lush, layered background for your painted blooms of choice. Kara will also share an easy way of transferring your flower image to your completed background.

Your registration includes one 8x8 cradled wood panel. Additionally, various papers, stencils, paints, collage materials, markers, and flower templates will be provided. Bring your willingness to play, and your desire to connect and share!

Pre-registration is required


Artists Bio:
Kara Ashley-Gilmore believes in the use of our innate creativity for our wellness and healing. She is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Board Certified Art Therapist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, and a mixed-media artist at the Art Place Studios, in Hendersonville. As an artist, Kara paints intuitively, often incorporating bright colors with layers of paint, text, and collage, to process life and express themes of hope and encouragement. Art-making has always been an important part of her self-care, and her studio is her personal space to experiment and play. Ultimately, all of her work is about helping people be more creative, use their creativity for personal growth, and incorporate creativity into their daily lives. Her art therapy workshops are tailored to those who appreciate opportunities for creative exploration–with gentle guidance–in a nonjudgmental, quiet atmosphere.

Mindful Mark-Making: Abstract Patterns

Instructor: Kara Ashley-Gilmore
Date: 5/4/2025
Location: Art Place Studio Workshop
Members: $30 Non-Members: $35

Join us for a relaxing session of mindful art-making. We will incorporate the 7 principles of mindfulness while we use watercolors and drawing materials as tools for relaxation. You’ll be led through a series of creative mark-making exercises and grounding techniques, followed by a longer, meditative painting & mark-making session.

During this month’s session, we will use watercolor paints and mark-making tools to create layered abstract patterns on paper.

Each session includes:
-A “Principles of Mindfulness for Art-Making” guide
-An opening mindfulness meditation
-A mark-making instruction template
-Bilateral drawing and breath work warm-up exercises
-An extended mindful mark-making & painting session
-A closing sharing circle

-March Session: Neurographic Art
-April Session: Petri Paintings
-May Session: Abstract Patterns
-September Session: Mandalas
-November Session: Nature Patterns


All supplies will be provided and may include watercolor paints, various drawing pens, pencils, pastels, and acrylic paint markers. Bring your willingness to play, and your desire to connect and share!

Artist Bio:
Kara Ashley-Gilmore believes in the use of our innate creativity for our wellness and healing. She is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Board-Certified Art Therapist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, and a mixed-media artist at the Art Place Studios, in Hendersonville. As an artist, Kara paints intuitively, often incorporating bright colors with layers of paint, text, and collage, to process life and express themes of hope and encouragement. Art-making has always been an important part of her self-care, and her studio is her personal space to experiment and play. Ultimately, all of her work is about helping people be more creative, use their creativity for personal growth, and incorporate creativity into their daily lives. Her art therapy workshops are tailored to those who appreciate opportunities for creative exploration–with gentle guidance, in a nonjudgmental, quiet atmosphere.

Creating an Abstract Collage Series

Instructor: Diane Dean
Date: 05/07/2025
Location: Art Place Studio Workshop
Members: $90 Non-Members: $110

Artist Diane Dean will lead this one-day class and we will explore techniques in collage onto stretched canvas. Students will create a collage using a limited range of color values.  We will work on a large canvas surface and once the collage is done, choose sections to cut out to create a multi-piece collection.  This approach challenges students to work intuitively and focus on colors and forms in a loose composition.  All papers, canvas, tools, and paint will be provided. Bring a roll of paper towels, and scissors.  Students will be able to choose from a wide variety of paper and found objects and also bring their own if they wish. Be prepared to have fun with collage!

Supplies:  Bring a roll of paper towels and a set of scissors.  All other supplies will provided for

Intermediate level

Artist Bio:

Diane S. Dean is an experienced Acrylic/Mixed Media Artist with over twenty years of experience. “My work is representational and draws on the colors and rhythms of nature. I build layers of texture in my fine art pieces that push the boundaries of the 2D category.”    Award-winning artist, Diane Dean, is the current president of the Art League of Henderson County.   Throughout her career, Diane has presented seminars and lectures in graphic design concepts, color theory, and the use of technology in the development of visual communications.

Mixed Media Mementos with Miranda

Instructor: Miranda Wildman
Date: 5/23/2025
Location: Art Place Studio Workshop
Members: $50 Non-Members: $60

Join us at Art Place Studios for a morning of creative play and relaxation! Local Artist Miranda Wildman will offer gentle guidance in the use of materials such as acrylic paints, water-soluble crayons, markers, hand-painted papers, textile remnants, flora + fauna collage ephemera, silver + gold leaf, and surprise mixed media materials. During our time together we will create mixed-media mementos on wood and canvas. With a focus on play and experimentation with colors, textures, and layers inspired by the season, we create expressive and unique pieces of art that can be shared as gifts or collected as cherished mementos. 
what to expect when you make art with Miranda:
  • A welcoming, vibrant, creative, and cozy atmosphere
  • All art materials and gentle, creative guidance
  • All ages welcome (folks under 13 should be accompanied by an adult)
  • All gender identities welcome
  • All levels of experience are welcome, no experience is required!
  • All art experiences, parties, and workshops with Miranda are come-as-you-are, judgment-free zones
All Supplies will be provided for

Artist Bio:
Growing up in a charming rural ski town nestled in the beautiful landscapes of Vermont, I had the incredible benefit of playing outside frequently, immersing myself in the enchanting magic of each season and its abundance of varied shapes, colors, and textures. I would joyfully create various forms of art alongside my Mother, participate in art classes with enthusiastic teachers and classmates, and collaborate with several friends who shared a passion for trying new things and learning new crafts. Then I went to Portland, Maine, and was surrounded by, inspired b,y and making art with amazing artists and professors in a city by the dynamic sea at Maine College of Art. Back in Vermont, I continued to stay in awe of nature and the seasonal experiences. After living here now for more than half my life, in addition to cherishing those special memories, I find myself deeply inspired by the rich diversity of flora and fauna that grace the majestic mountain peaks and tranquil hollers of Western North Carolina. I am also profoundly grateful for the vibrant creative community I am fortunate to be a part of, both here and beyond, with whom I share precious moments of art-making, exchange thoughts and dreams, and hold close to my heart. Throughout all my experiences in art-making, I have come to realize that it is truly the people we connect with and the planet we inhabit that hold the most significant importance in our lives. Therefore, I wholeheartedly believe that art-making is for everyone. We don’t need to possess special titles, degrees, or credentials to identify ourselves as artists in order to engage in and thoroughly enjoy the art-making process. All we need to do is press the play button. Creating art, particularly together, leads to collective release of inhibitions, a comfortable and festive atmosphere, and a chance for everyone to get a boost of happiness and calm in this fast-paced world with many expectations while connecting over conversation, laughter, and sharing stories. For these reasons, I look forward to the time we make art together!

Mindful Mark-Making: Mandalas

Instructor: Kara Ashley-Gilmore
Date: 9/7/2025
Location: Art Place Studio Workshop
Members: $30 Non-Members: $35

Join us for a relaxing session of mindful art-making. We will incorporate the 7 principles of mindfulness while we use watercolors and drawing materials as tools for relaxation. You’ll be led through a series of creative mark-making exercises and grounding techniques, followed by a longer, meditative painting & mark-making session.

Mandala is the Sanskrit word for circle. It is used in Eastern traditions as a tool of meditation. Mandalas include shapes and symbols that you create intuitively. Many mandalas have a repeated pattern of shapes that make a cohesive design, others do not and are abstract. During this month’s session, we will use watercolor paints and mark-making tools to create a mandala drawing in the style of your choosing.

Each session includes:
-A “Principles of Mindfulness for Art-Making” guide
-An opening mindfulness meditation
-A mark-making instruction template
-Bilateral drawing and breath work warm-up exercises
-An extended mindful mark-making & painting session
-A closing sharing circle

-March Session: Neurographic Art
-April Session: Petri Paintings
-May Session: Abstract Patterns
-September Session: Mandalas
-November Session: Nature Patterns


All supplies will be provided and may include watercolor paints, various drawing pens, pencils, pastels, and acrylic paint markers. Bring your willingness to play, and your desire to connect and share!

Artist Bio:
Kara Ashley-Gilmore believes in the use of our innate creativity for our wellness and healing. She is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Board-Certified Art Therapist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, and a mixed-media artist at the Art Place Studios, in Hendersonville. As an artist, Kara paints intuitively, often incorporating bright colors with layers of paint, text, and collage, to process life and express themes of hope and encouragement. Art-making has always been an important part of her self-care, and her studio is her personal space to experiment and play. Ultimately, all of her work is about helping people be more creative, use their creativity for personal growth, and incorporate creativity into their daily lives. Her art therapy workshops are tailored to those who appreciate opportunities for creative exploration–with gentle guidance, in a nonjudgmental, quiet atmosphere.

Mindful Mark-Making: Nature Patterns

Instructor: Kara Ashley-Gilmore
Date: 11/2/2025
Location: Art Place Studio Workshop
Members: $30 Non-Members: $35

Join us for a relaxing session of mindful art-making. We will incorporate the 7 principles of mindfulness while we use watercolors and drawing materials as tools for relaxation. You’ll be led through a series of creative mark-making exercises and grounding techniques, followed by a longer, meditative painting & mark-making session.

During this month’s session, we will use watercolor paints and mark-making tools to create layered nature-based patterns on paper.

Each session includes:
-A “Principles of Mindfulness for Art-Making” guide
-An opening mindfulness meditation
-A mark-making instruction template
-Bilateral drawing and breath work warm-up exercises
-An extended mindful mark-making & painting session
-A closing sharing circle

-March Session: Neurographic Art
-April Session: Petri Paintings
-May Session: Abstract Patterns
-September Session: Mandalas
-November Session: Nature Patterns


All supplies will be provided and may include watercolor paints, various drawing pens, pencils, pastels, and acrylic paint markers. Bring your willingness to play, and your desire to connect and share!

Artist Bio:
Kara Ashley-Gilmore believes in the use of our innate creativity for our wellness and healing. She is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Board-Certified Art Therapist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, and a mixed-media artist at the Art Place Studios, in Hendersonville. As an artist, Kara paints intuitively, often incorporating bright colors with layers of paint, text, and collage, to process life and express themes of hope and encouragement. Art-making has always been an important part of her self-care, and her studio is her personal space to experiment and play. Ultimately, all of her work is about helping people be more creative, use their creativity for personal growth, and incorporate creativity into their daily lives. Her art therapy workshops are tailored to those who appreciate opportunities for creative exploration–with gentle guidance, in a nonjudgmental, quiet atmosphere.

Gratitude Bowls

Instructor: Kara Ashley-Gilmore
Date: 11/8/2025
Location: Art Place Studio Workshop
Members: $50 Non-Members: $60

"For it is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful.”
-Brother David Steindl-Rast

A “Gratitude bowl” can be part of forming a daily gratitude practice or ritual. Gratitude practices have been found to create physical changes in our brains. It’s not about denying reality, or only thinking happy thoughts, as most critics claim. It’s a way to create some space between our automatic thoughts and our feelings. It helps us pause long enough to notice how we have been thinking about our lives, and it provides an opportunity to take a slightly different perspective.

During this “Gratitude Bowl” making workshop, we will form our bowls using plaster gauze and decorate with scraps of paper and paint. Once complete, you may use your bowls to hold little reminders of all the wonderful things you are thankful for throughout the year.

All supplies will be provided, and may include various papers, paints, collage materials, adhesives, plaster gauze, and bowl “armatures”. Bring your willingness to play, and your desire to connect and share!


Artist Bio:
Kara Ashley-Gilmore believes in the use of our innate creativity for our wellness and healing. She is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Board Certified Art Therapist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, and a mixed-media artist at the Art Place Studios, in Hendersonville. As an artist, Kara paints intuitively, often incorporating bright colors with layers of paint, text, and collage, to process life and express themes of hope and encouragement. Art-making has always been an important part of her self-care, and her studio is her personal space to experiment and play. Ultimately, all of her work is about helping people be more creative, use their creativity for personal growth, and incorporate creativity into their daily lives. Her art therapy workshops are tailored to those who appreciate opportunities for creative exploration–with gentle guidance–in a non-judgemental, quiet atmosphere.