1:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST
Instructor: Stephen Hernandez
Date: August 21 & 22 1-4pm
Location: The Art Place Gallery Classroom
Fee: Members: $140., Non-members: $155.
Maximum Class Size: 3
About the Class: Discover the art of fused glass in this intimate, hands-on workshop for beginners. No previous experience required.
You'll learn:
- Safe practices for handling glass
- Glass cutting techniques
- Fusing schedules and kiln operation basics
Leave with new skills and your own glass creations!
Class size is limited to ensure individual attention. Look for future class dates if this session is full.
Create two unique fused glass pieces to take home. You'll also receive our comprehensive safety and fusing guide for future projects.
Supplies: All materials and tools provided. Wear closed-toe shoes. We wil provide safety materials including n-95 mask, eye protection, glass and professional equipment.
Artist Bio: I hail from Baton Rouge, LA. My interest in art began at a young age and continued as I dabbled through class work at Louisiana State University (LSU). In 1985, I co-founded Glasmosaik Studios, a stained glass studio where I continued studying the craft and worked to develop a signature style.
For the last 10 years, I have been focusing on fused glass art, creating pieces that are both visually interesting and functional. I currently reside nested among the Blue Ridge Mountains just outside Brevard, NC, where the natural beauty all around that inspires my work.
My fused glass pieces are characterized by their vibrant colors, intricate patterns, manipulating chemical reactions between different color glass, and use of different surface textures. I attempt to combine technical skills with creative vision to produce pieces that are both visually stunning and structurally sound.
My goal is to create art that is not only striking but also evokes emotion and tells a story. The process of fusing glass is a dance between control and letting go, and the end result is always a beautiful and unique piece that can be appreciated for its aesthetic and technical qualities.