Art League of Henderson County
Event Registration - Art League of Henderson County
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Weeklong Art Workshop for students in Grades 8-11
6/17/2024 - 6/21/2024
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM EST

Event Description

Instructor:   Kadie Sanders

Date:  June 17-21, 9:30 - Noon

Location:  The Art Place Studio Classroom

Fee: Student $250, 

Maximum Class Size: 16

About the Class:  This week-long workshop is designed for artists going into grades 8-11.  Prospective students will choose this workshop because they love art and would like to develop inspiration for projects this summer.  There will be an optional follow up workshop and critique in mid-August. Classes will focus on observational drawing, portfolio review, field journaling, exploration of various materials, and personal art bookmaking.  After registering for the class students must send pictures of two of their favorite personal artworks and send to  Include the title, size and materials used with those artworks. Also include an artist statement of three to five sentences.  This statement should include a general description of the student's work and some background information of you as a student artist.  Here are some questions that can help you write the statement:  How did you first become interested in making art?  What kind of art do you make - realistic, fantasy, impressionistic, etc?  Who is your favorite artist, and what is it about that artist that you admire the most?

Supplies: Students should bring their favorite medium to class, old magazines for cutting out pictures, one of their personal artworks, and a mixed media sketchbook (size optional).  Bring paint clothes and snacks/drinks.  Some of the classes will be outside so sunscreen, hats and appropriate layers of clothing.

Artist Bio: Kadie Sanders marks 1999 as the year she began teaching art and the creative process to children.  She enjoys meeting artists of all ages.  She is currently working on her graduate degree in Interdisciplinary Studies in Sustainable Art Practice.  Tradition wisdom informs Kadie's art-based research.  Her most recent project is working with Eastern Band of Cherokee artist, Laura Walkingstick, on learning the cornhusk dollmaking tradition.